NYGPS Member and long time NY Giants Fan and SF Giants Principal Partner, Peter Magowan gave his thoughts to the gathering on NY Giants Night at AT&T on June 26. Here is his speech:
     “One of the great advantages of being a Giants Fan is to know that you are a part of a very proud history. There are very few sports organizations that have the tradition and memories that we Giants Fans enjoy.
     That tradition now extends to 132 years, and obviously includes the many years that the franchise was in New York City. Even though the team is now in San Francisco it is important to remember where we came from and what we stood for, and that is what the New York Giants Preservation Society – led by Steve Rothschild and Gary Mintz who are here tonight – are determined to do.
     With us tonight to remind us of our New York origins is Ed Logan – the last batboy for the New York Giants. His father was the clubhouse manager both in New York and San Francisco. Also with us is our beloved Mike Murphy – the first batboy for the San Francisco Giants, and soon thereafter our clubhouse manager, in fact, for the last 32, our only clubhouse manager. If there is a symbol of the history and tradition of the Giants, who is more deserving than Murph.

     As someone who grew up in New York and saw the Giants play many, many games in the Polo Grounds, keeping these memories alive is important. It is by combining the Giants of New York – the Giants of McGraw and Hubbell, and Terry and Ott with Mays and McCovey, and Marichal and Cepeda – that we best demonstrate who we are. For example, combined the Giants have more players in the Hall of Fame than any other team – even the New York Yankees.
     Today the San Francisco Giants try to keep these memories alive in many ways – the Remember ’51 Sign, retiring the numbers of great N.Y. Giant players like Monte Irvin, the reunions of famous teams like the ’51 and ’54 giants, the uniforms our players continue to wear – virtually a replica of the same uniform the Giants wore 60 years ago – and the continuing and wonderful presence of the greatest Giant of them all – Willie Mays.
     With your help these memories will stay alive – and be passed on to generations of Giants Fans to come.”