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With Hall of Fame Induction Weekend at Cooperstown, NY, less than 2 weeks away, we at the NYGPS thought it would be a great idea to list the 45 NY Giants who have been enshrined into the Baseball Hall of Fame.  They are listed alphabetically with the year of their induction: Some of the players were mainstays of the team, while others had the proverbial “cup of coffee” with the club. Please also go to the Photo page as well to check out the plaques that reside in Cooperstown of these legendary players.-Gary

Dave Bancroft SS 1971
Jake Beckley 1B 1971
Roger Bresnahan C 1940
Dan Brouthers 1B 1945
Jesse Burkett OF/ LHP 1946

Roger Connor 1B 1976
George Davis SS 1998
Leo Durocher MGR 1994
Buck Ewing C 1939
Frankie Frisch 2B 1947
Burleigh Grimes RHP 1964
Gabby Hartnett C 1955
Rogers Hornsby 2B 1942
Waite Hoyt  P  1969
Carl Hubbell LHP 1947
Monte Irvin OF 1973
Travis Jackson SS 1982
Tim Keefe RHP 1964
Wee Willie Keeler 3B 1939
George Kelly 1B 1973
King Kelly C 1945

Tony Lazzeri 2B 1991
Fred Lindstrom 3B 1976
Ernie Lombardi C 1986
Rube Marquard LHP 1971
Christy Mathewson RHP 1936
Willie Mays OF 1979
Bill McKechnie MGR  1962
Joe McGinnity RHP 1946
John McGraw MGR 1937
Joe Medwick OF 1968
Johnny Mize 1B 1981

Jim O’Rourke OF
Mel Ott OF 1951
Edd Roush OF 1962
Amos Rusie RHP 1977
Ray Schalk C 1955
Red Schoendist 2B 1989
Casey Stengel  MGR  1969
Bill Terry 1B 1954
John (Monte) Ward OF 1964
Mickey Welch RHP 1973
Hoyt Wilhelm RHP 1985
Hack Wilson OF 1979

Ross Youngs OF 1972