Jaime Rupert has created this brand-new website as she attempts to get her grandfather Horace Stoneham inducted into the Hall of Fame. Stoneham is a polarizing figure to many of our members. Many feel he has been overlooked while others feel he doesn’t deserve the honor. When brought up in the past, it caused many mixed emotions with some of you. The website is very well done (a few errors will be updated) with many wonderful things on the site which might sway you or it won’t. The Willie Mays and Hall of Fame Giants (McCovey, Perry, & Cepeda) (Juan Marichal wasn’t available at the time), video comments are hard to ignore as are the testimonials written by Cepeda, Monte Irvin’s daughter, and Felipe Alou. She reminds us that the link (website) can only be viewed on your computer and not your phone.