With the unfortunate news of the Bergino Clubhouse closing shortly, rest assured I will not let the society crumble and be homeless. Our new meeting place will be Finnerty’s Sports Bar located at 221 2nd Avenue, in NYC, a few blocks from Jay’s place. Thanks to owner Dieter Seelig and his party coordinator Annie will will be able to use a private area off the bar in the back. The bar is the home of many transplanted San Franciscans. For those who don’t know it, Finnerty’s regularly schedules bus trips to Giants/Mets game yearly. The bar also has tremendous amount of Giants memorabilia. Our future events will allow you to purchase libations while listening to our guest speakers. I feel that this is the best situation for the group moving forward. I see us adding many new members who will want to learn about the history of the Giants franchise. We had a tremendous relationship with Jay and the Bergino Clubhouse and I hope to have a similar one with Dieter and Finnerty’s.-Gary