Magowan 118
Magowan 122
Let’s just say “What a Night”!! A SRO crowd attended our meeting this past Thursday. Mr. Peter Magowan was our key note speaker and had the audience in the palm of his hand. He discussed his love of the team as young boy all the way up to his “retirement” as the CEO of the team. Magowan spent much of the night reveling about the history of the team here in NY and his subsequent purchase of the team in the early 1990’s when it appeared they were moving to Tampa Bay. He told wonderful stories about the purchasing group that saved the team, the Barry Bonds signing and the building of AT&T Park. He truly loved the Q & A with members of the NYGPS.

The entire night’s program can be heard here thanks to Jay Goldberg on his podcast:


Robert Garratt who wrote an amazing expose on Horace Stoneham captivated the audience with his perspective on the former owner of the team. Garratt explained how Stoneham was a true trailblazer of an owner and broke the second barrier in the game by signing many Latinos to contracts with the Giants. He explained that Stoneham and his scouts were concerned with putting the best team on the field and race had no barring as the Giants started the first All-African American outfield of Mays, Irvin, and Hank Thompson in the early 1950’s. Garratt also spoke of Stoneham’s spearheading a move out west regardless of the Dodgers when it appeared the Giants were going to Minneapolis. Garratt left us stating that Stoneham belongs in the Hall of Fame for all his noteworthy contributions to the game. A movement to do so appears imminent with Peter Magowan on board.

We want to also acknowledge the appearance of Craig Godsen and Jaime Rupert at our festivities. Ms. Rupert, Stoneham’s granddaughter and Godsen, her cousin, were the taking in the night and soaking in the tributes given to their relative. Ms. Rupert spoke for a few minutes and was gracious, delightful, and so happy to be in attendance.

Thanks to the great Jay Goldberg, owner of the beautiful Bergino Baseball Clubhouse http://www.bergino.com/ for letting us call his home, our home. Visit his place for magnificent, one of a kind Baseball memorabilia.
— with Jay Goldberg.