Joshua Prager, Gary, Jay Goldberg, Steve

Jay Goldberg, Owner Berginos Clubhouse

Joshua Prager, Author of The Echoing Green

Thursday October 25 was a memorable day for all Giants Fans indeed. Not only did the SF Giants win Game 2 of the World Series, but the NY Giants Preservation Society had its inaugural meeting at Berginos Baseball Clubhouse at 67 East 11th Street in the West Village of NYC.
Jay Goldberg, the owner of Berginos welcomed over 35 people into the fold. The meeting started with Gary Mintz talking about the Society and its goals and he continued to talk about some of the ground rules for the evening. Steve Rothschild spoke briefly about the June 26 Tribute to the NY Giants Night at ATT Park. He included many of the contacts both he and Gary have encountered and are now on board.
After a few words by Jay Goldberg, the feature speaker of the night came on, Joshua Prager who wrote for the Wall Street Journal and authored that amazing book The Echoing Green. Prager spoke for about 40 minutes. He first explained what and where the Echoing Green title came from and then proceeded to read from his personal diary explaining the amazing story of the NY Giants in 1951 with the sign stealing scheme and the principle characters involved. Prager spent 6 years researching and writing this book. The assembled crowd at Berginos then went into a Q/A Period which could have gone on all night.
The meeting was then turned over to FOX TV where a handful of the faithful watched the entire World Series Game 2.
Thanks to Steve Rothschild’s stumping trivia questions and to Josh and Jay for making this initial meeting one we will never forget. Finally thanks to all members who attended!! See you in January!!

Here is the podcast from the event!! Just click on “Listen Now”