This never gets old and seems to never die (Thank goodness). Just back from the Billy Crystal movie Parental Guidance. Crystal ambition was to become the SF Giants broadcaster. A major story line is the… famous call by Russ Hodges:
“ Bobby Thomson…up there swingin’…He’s had two out of three, a single and a double, and Billy Cox is playing him right on the third-base line…One out, last of the ninth…Branca pitches…Bobby Thomson takes a strike called on the inside corner…Bobby hitting at .292…He’s had a single and a double and he drove in the Giants’ first run with a long fly to center…Brooklyn leads it 4-2…Hartung down the line at third not taking any chances…Lockman with not too big of a lead at second, but he’ll be runnin’ like the wind if Thomson hits one…Branca throws…[sound of bat meeting ball] Continue reading